Starting of 2024 by giving God our very first and our very best!

“Fasting is more about replacing than it is about abstaining. Replacing normal activities with focused times of prayer and feeding on the word of God” - Gar Rohrmayer

Here are some steps that can help guide you in a 7 days of fasting and prayer for breakthrough:

  1. Set your intention: Start by determining the specific breakthrough you are seeking and make sure it aligns with God’s will and purpose for your life. Pray for guidance and direction on how to approach your fast.

  2. Choose your fast: Decide on the type of fast you will undertake and seek guidance from spiritual leaders if necessary. Whether it is a water-only fast, a juice fast, a partial fast, or a Daniel fast, choose the one that is most appropriate for your physical and spiritual needs.

  3. Prepare your body and mind: Gradually reduce your food intake in the days leading up to your fast, stay hydrated, and prepare yourself spiritually and mentally for the fast. Spend time in prayer and meditation, and ask God to help you stay focused on Him throughout the fast.

  4. Schedule your prayer and meditation time: Set aside specific times each day for prayer, worship, and meditation. Choose a quiet and peaceful place where you can be alone with God and free from distractions.

  5. Seek accountability: Consider partnering with a friend or joining a prayer group that can provide support and accountability during your fast. Share your prayer requests and encourage one another in your spiritual journeys.

  6. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout your fast. Listen to your body and rest when needed. Avoid overexerting yourself physically or mentally during this time.

  7. End the fast gradually: Once the fast is over, gradually reintroduce solid foods back into your diet. Begin with light, easily digestible foods, and avoid heavy or processed foods for a few days.

Here are some fasting and prayer scripture that you may find helpful:

  1. Matthew 6:16-18 – This passage teaches us about the importance of fasting in secret and the rewards that come from fasting with the right motives.

  2. Isaiah 58:6-8 – This passage teaches us about the kind of fasting that pleases God and the blessings that come from fasting, such as healing, protection, and guidance.

  3. Psalm 63:1-5 – This psalm expresses the psalmist’s deep longing for God and his desire to seek God in fasting and prayer.

  4. Mark 9:29 – This verse highlights the power of prayer and fasting in overcoming spiritual strongholds and difficulties.

  5. Ezra 8:21-23 – This passage describes a time of corporate fasting and prayer for protection during a journey, which can inspire us to pray for protection and guidance during our own fasts.

  6. Joel 2:12-13 – This passage encourages us to return to God with fasting, weeping, and mourning, and to trust in His compassion and mercy.

Tips for Success

  • Stay hydrated with water, especially if you’re fasting from food.

  • Join with a friend or a group for support and encouragement.

  • Remember, it’s okay to struggle. Fasting is a discipline and it takes time to grow in it.

Remember This:

  • Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

  • Isaiah 58:6: This verse talks about the true purpose of fasting, which is to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free.