Declaring to the world that you belong to God
Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

What are Baptisms?
So you have made the first step and given your life to Jesus, so now what? You’ve heard people talk about baptisms before, but you’re not sure what it is and if you should do it. Or maybe you were baptized as a young child, and it wasn’t truly your decision, and now you’re at a point in your life where you’re wondering if you can or should do it again. Our Pastor, James Cavalier, walks you through the baptism process and answers the questions: should you get baptized?

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We believe that baptism is an integral an important part to a believers life, and we are honored that you are considering sharing that step in your faith walk with Rhythm Church! We hold baptisms approximately once a quarter during our Sunday weekend service. To find out when our next baptism service check out the link below. If we do not have a date set, you can sign up for an interest form, and we will email you when our next date is set!
Our Next Baptism
Frequently Asked Questions About Baptisms
Baptism is a significant and symbolic act in Christianity where individuals publicly declare their faith in Jesus Christ. It involves immersion in water, symbolizing the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, and the believer's identification with Him.
Baptism is for those who have made a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. It is an outward expression of an inward commitment to the Christian faith.
Baptism is a commandment given by Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) and is an obedient response to God's Word. It signifies a public declaration of faith, repentance, and a new life in Christ.
Many Christian denominations practice infant baptism, while others prefer a believer's baptism, which occurs when an individual is old enough to make a personal confession of faith. Here at Rhythm Church we believe that Children should most certainly make that decisions for themselves in accordance with their parents
Baptism is typically done by immersion in water, symbolizing the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here at Rhythm we hold a couple of Baptisms services throughout the year where we celebrate as church family all together. We also will do baptisms for individuals throughout the year (sometimes just in the Ocean here in North County)
Baptism symbolizes the forgiveness of sins, the washing away of the old life, and the emergence of a new life in Christ. It is a public testimony of one's faith and a commitment to follow Jesus.
Membership requirements for baptism vary among churches. Here at Rhythm we do not require membership to be baptized, as long as you profess Jesus Christ as your Lord & saviour you are welcome to partake in our Baptisms service
Baptism is a celebration, invite some people to celebrate with you! We encourage you to invite anyone that has had a significant impact on your journey of faith to come and celebrate with you. Take a look through our "what to bring" and "What to wear" FAQ's to make sure you are ready for the ceremony.
You do not need to be registered to get baptized. We ask for registrations ahead of time to help us have an understanding of what we can expect but if you would like to be baptized we would love to have you join in!
We encourage you to wear swim shorts and a dark colored tee shirt when planning to be baptized. We will however baptize you in whatever you are wearing.
We encourage you to bring a towel, sandals and a dry change of clothes.
Yes! We will have our Rhythm creative team on hand to take high quality photos of each baptism. We will send a link via email to each person baptized. *Please note if you aren't able to register for baptisms ahead of time make sure to fill out a "Connection Card" following the ceremony so we can send you the link.
Toward the end of service Pastor Jeff will invite you get changed for the ceremony if you haven't already. He will direct people being baptized where to line up and we will begin the ceremony. You will hand your towel to a member of our team as you enter the baptismal. Unless prohibited, you will be submerged in the water and lifted out by Pastor Jeff.
Yes! If there is someone else who has had major spiritual influence on your journey of faith that you would like to ask to baptize you we encourage you to do so. They must be a professing believer in Christ.